The Stephan Grundy Endowment for Medieval Studies

The Stephan Grundy Endowment for Medieval Studies

As many of our readers and fans are aware we recently lost Stephan Grundy aka Kveldulf Gundarsson. We have been informed by his family that they have created an endowment on his behalf to further others in the lofty pursuit of education. 

We have been given a beautiful document explaining the grant which we have posted in this post. Stephan meant a lot to our community. For myself, he was my first steps into heathenry and always encouraged me to continue my own research. His wife Melodi has been incredibly generous to the publishing house and we have the grand privilege of housing his work as well as her own work which we are diligently working through.

This grant could help fund the next pivotal figure to draw from in terms of understanding medieval studies and expanding the field to figures that might bring us an entirely new frame of work from which to inspire our own development both academic and spiritually. 

Stephan was a prolific writer and we hope that this endowment provides some small fraction of help for those pursuing the life of a medieval historian, writer, academic or dreamer.

"We are eagerly anticipating the first Stephan Grundy Annual Lecture in Medieval Studies, which will take place at SMU on the evening of April 26, 2022. Shaun Hughes, distinguished professor of English at Purdue University, will speak on Stephan’s work in a lecture entitled: “The Past on the Cusp of Tomorrow: Stephan Grundy, Rhinegold, and Beowulf.”

First Endowment was issued to: Shaun Hughes

From Pamela Grundy: " Thanks to all of you who have contributed to the lecture endowment in Stephan’s memory. It means a great deal to our family. If you’d still like to make a contribution, you can do so online through the SMU contribution portal at: If you skip the “School or Unit” box and enter “Grundy” in the search box, the Stephan Grundy fund will pop up.

University Link:

The books listed in this lecture were formerly published outside TLS. We have lovingly restored Beowulf and are working on Rhinegold. Find all works by Stephan Grundy below.The Stephan Grundy Endowment for Medieval Studies

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