Stephan Grundy

Stephan Grundy

Stephan Grundy

June 28, 1967 – Sept 29, 2021

From his humble beginnings, Stephan Grundy/Kveldulf Gundarsson would make his mark on the world by writing on the rarest and obscure myths breathing new life into them, for a new generation of readers. His fictional works written under Stephan Grundy focused on mythology and history and were met with international success. Along with his fictional works, under the pen name Kveldulf Gundarsson he stamped his mark on Germanic Paganism (also known as heathenry) and Germanic Culture. He is an Elder in the organization The Troth where he has dedicated a majority of his life influencing major changes in the organization, including the development of anti-racist and anti-sexist ideals. He has fought for equality in transgendered communities, as well as fighting for the acceptance of Loki. Gundarsson has shaped heathenry through his numerous academic and fictional works as well as his extensive articles, thesis papers, and his creation and sustainment of the lore program within The Troth. His hobbies included wood-working, jewelry making, and gardening as well as historical re-enactment. He is currently attending medical school in Ireland supported by his loving wife Melodi where they maintain a local hof called The Tribe of Thor.

Official Statement on the passing of Stephan Grundy

The Three Little Sisters is sad to announce the passing of Stephan Grundy aka Kveldulf Gundarsson, who passed away in his home. He is survived by his wife Melodi. Stephan was not just an author of TLS, he was a dear friend and mentor. When I began my path, he was there for me and would always support and answer my questions with such kindness. He was a brilliant author, who provided an extensive collection of works about heathenry, archeology, and spirituality along with a massive collection of fictional works. His spirit was one that I am profoundly grateful to have known, and he is someone with whom I am proud to say, I called a friend. His wife Melodi has graciously bestowed his legacy with us, and we will continue to print his works for future heathens. I am certain due to his deep commitment to his faith that Stephan is with our gods, and the afterlife is now lucky to have such a deeply kind and committed elder. I will miss him dearly. Stephan was an amazing man, who had such a light in him, no doubt his light will continue to guide others as it did me. We will miss you Stephan, know that you were cared for by many, all who light a torch to guide you along your way.–Larisa Hunter, President of TLS

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