Melodi Lammond-Grundy
Melodi Lammond-Grundy grew up in California and went to college at the University of Southern Mississippi. She spent some years in Colorado, then moved to San Francisco, where she was, for a time, a member of the well-known household and writers’ community. She has been in the pagan/heathen community since the 1990s and has degrees in both history and anthropology. In her spiritual life, she has studied spae-craft, a form of trance-based native Germanic divination. A spákona is the diviner, not the art of divination. which she learned from Diana Paxson. She still practices divination and psychic readings to this day, lending herself to speak about current events. Her writing skills were first shown in several online publications, followed by co-authoring the Falcon Dream Trilogy. Melodi was one of the first authors to come on-board at Three Little Sisters, and we are pleased to be able to present both her non-fiction work and her upcoming Atlantis novel.